Video Recording of the Webinar: „An Exploration of Persistent Identifier: Use, Value and Future”

Together with the project FAIR Data Austria, RIS Synergy has organised a webinar on the topic of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), which took place on April 27th.

The Webinar was opened with a presentation by Alicia Fátima Gómez Sánchez, who gave a general introduction to Persistent Identifiers and then went into more detail about the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This was followed by a presentation by Christian Gumpenberger, who covered the topic “ORCID and your digital identity as a researcher”.

The second half of the webinar featured Sabine Neff and Vanessa Erat from the RIS Synergy project, who presented the digitisation project in the form of an interview, highlighting in particular the importance of Persistent Identifiers in the development of interfaces for the exchange of research information.

The webinar was recorded and is available for you to access in the Phaidra repository and on YouTube:
