Symposium of the Research Data Cluster: The Future of Research (Data) Management

The federal ministry, universities and funding organisations met on May 23 for a symposium of the Research Data Cluster, which was dedicated to the topic “the future of research (data) management”.

Data play an essential role in science, as they are not only generated (= research data) but also processed. They contain valuable knowledge that must be structured and findable (= research information). The Research Data Cluster is responding to this challenge.

The participants of the symposium were provided with insight into the work, content and challenges of the three Research Data Cluster projects, which illustrated the Cluster’s importance for the future of digitally supported research support.

Workshops, product demonstrations and training courses showcased concrete project results and practical tools. In addition, presentations and discussions with a focus on support and training presented the immediate benefits for researchers and scientific administration.

An interdisciplinary panel titled “Digital research services – hype or future? How much digitisation does research really need?” discussed questions revolving around digitisation, data production and data storage. The panel participants were Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt (Head of the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna), Univ.Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr.techn. Johannes Fröhlich (Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Vienna University of Technology), Univ.Prof. Dr. Ronald Maier (Vice-Rector for Digitalisation and Knowledge Transfer, University of Vienna), Univ.Prof. Alexander Ostermann (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, University of Innsbruck), MinR Mag. Hubertus Schmid-Schmidsfelden (Research Section, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research), Mag.rer.nat. Caroline Schober (Vice Rector of Research and International Affairs, Medical University of Graz / chair of Open Science Austria), and Univ.Prof. Mag. Stefan Thurner (President of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna); moderated by Dr. Gertraud Leimüller.

A social networking evening concluded the symposium, where sustainability and the continuation of the tools and services developed in the Research Data Cluster projects were discussed.

Presentation FAIR Data Austria

Presentation RIS Synergy

Presentation ADLS

Support & Training RIS Synergy

Support & Training FAIR Data Austria