Duration: July 2023 – June 2026
Project lead: TU Graz
Research data management (RDM) is becoming increasingly important for researchers and requires a variety of supporting tools that can be used throughout the lifecycle of research data. In recent years, technical and organizational developments have already been advanced and are being used in various research areas (e.g. research data repositories, analysis platforms, electronic laboratory notebooks, and data stewardship programs). The aim of the project is to create a framework to offer selected tools and infrastructures in the field of RDM as shared services for selected Austrian universities and research institutions. This bundling of different expertise creates a sensible use of resources and promotes interoperability, standardization and the connection to international initiatives. The project is carried out in the spirit of the EOSC initiative and thus contributes to an even more reliable and easier re-use of research output. It creates a landscape of national RDM infrastructures and services that can be used as a use case/success story at international level and increases Austria’s visibility.
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