CRIS 2024 conference took place in collaboration with RIS Synergy

The 16th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (CRIS2024) took place at the TU Wien from May 15 to 17, 2024. CRIS 2024 is the sixteenth edition in a biennial series of conferences on CRIS systems. The conferences are organised by euroCRIS, with this year’s CRIS 2024 locally organised by RIS Synergy, the TU Vienna and the University of Vienna. The conference brought together around 200 international experts in research information systems.

The Welcome Reception on May 14, 2024 at the TUtheSky was a great networking opportunity for the euroCRIS community.

RIS Synergy provided several contributions to the conference panels. Project members moderated a round table to discuss national and regional research portals, where representatives from 5 research portals from different countries discussed use cases, success metrics for portals and much more.

We also contributed a presentation about the project which highlighted the results achieved so far and the findings of the past four project years.

Last but not least, there was also a poster contribution from RIS Synergy showing the data flows that are being implemented using RIS Synergy interfaces. This poster also won the Best Poster Award, tied with Shared RDM.

Many of the presentations and the keynotes were recorded using graphic recording.
