
In recent years, scientific journal publishers have begun to draw up guidelines for handling the research data on which a publication is based. Such data guidelines and recommendations for handling research data have become increasingly relevant for researchers, as they must be taken into account as part of the research and publication process. In order to advise researchers on how to implement the requirements formulated in the data guidelines, we analysed more than 80 international scientific journals. These journals represent the top publication organs of the social science and economic research specialisations represented at WU and are used for awarding purposes. The insights gained from the analysis can be used to support researchers in their publication projects as part of our RDM consulting services.

Time and Date: 17 October 2024, 10 – 11 a.m.

Target Group:

Researchers in the social and economic sciences, research support staff




Thomas Seyffertitz, WU Wien


The ressources to this webinar are available here .