Projektmeeting Shared RDM at TU Graz

The second project meeting following the project launch in July 2023 was held at Graz University of Technology on 17 and 18 September. After just over a year of project duration, the focus was on the review of the first project phase and the outlook for the following phases. Networking between the 12 project partners and personal dialogue took centre stage. Upcoming challenges were discussed as well as goals for future collaboration beyond the project.
Despite the very difficult weather situation, the partner universities were able to take part in the meeting, even though some institutions were connected online.
On the first day, the results to date were summarised. In addition, an insight into the various work packages was given. New developments in the areas of maDMPs, eLabFTW, CyVerse, repository systems (InvenioRDM, Phaidra, DBRepo) and Shared Competences were presented. The projects planned for the near future were also discussed. A dinner in the centre of Graz rounded off the day.
The second day began with a summary of the first day. This was followed by two break-out sessions in which the participants exchanged ideas about technical communities on the one hand and were able to network about shared competences on the other.
The project meeting ended with a summary of all the topics discussed and a joint lunch.