Workshop FAIR National Office

In work package 5 (process development, RDM training & support) of the FAIR Data Austria project the implementation of a FAIR National Node Desk is planned – in addition to the establishment of local FAIR reference points at the individual institutions.

The TU Wien is task leader and organised a kick-off workshop with the project partners TU Gaz and the University of Vienna on 8.9.2020. The aim of the event, which was moderated by Tomasz Miksa, was to develop a common understanding of the roles and activities of a FAIR National Office and to agree on expectations.

After a short introduction and exercise on the applied method of the Business Model Canvas, ideas on the various aspects of the project were collected in two groups. The notes were then compiled in a large concept overview, discussed together and concretized as far as possible.

Among other things it was noted

  • who a FAIR National Office should basically serve,
  • who potential partners and customers would be,
  • which services a FAIR National Office should offer in the future – and which not,
  • how the FAIR National Office could be staffed, and
  • what role the local FAIR reference points will play in the future.

A report on the workshop and the core tasks of the FAIR National Office is currently in preparation and will soon be sent to the cooperation partners for information and comment. The final report will be published as a project deliverable and will thus be available for everyone to read.

Workshop FAIR National Office