The Austrian DataLAB and Services project proudly announces that with the OpenScienceLabs we made the first step to fully open source the blueprints we develop in this project.
The first release – Hardened Kubernetes for hosting user-supplied Interactive Applications – aims to provide the basis for researchers to collaborate on and publish (HPC) codes. We follow a security first approach that provides ready-to-use interactive environments open to a large audience.
From a technical point of view, our blueprints contain:
- Automation templates to create a Cloud Platform Service (PaaS) that allows users to self-manage their interactive content.
- The reference implementation is done for Openstack in such a way that it can be easily adapted to an university’s existing Openstack (or other Cloud Provider) instance with minimal modifications.
We encourage universities to test our method and we hope to thus unburden the research staff and scientists to follow FAIR principles and support open source goals without needing a deep knowledge of cloud computing.
The blueprints and growing content may be found under