First General Assembly of the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation
The first General Assembly of the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation will take place as an online event on 13 October 2021 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Please use the form below to register. You will receive the link to the virtual room (Zoom) after registration.
In case of further questions, please contact: Paolo Budroni, Coordinator of the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation Initiative, paolo.budroni@tuwien.ac.at
Welcome and moderation
- Stefan Hanslik, Austrian EOSC Steering Board Delegate
- Paolo Budroni, Coordinator Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation
- Jean-Claude Burgelman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Bart Dumolyn, Belgian EOSC Steering Board Delegate
- Suzanne Dumouchel, Board of Director, EOSC Association
Opening of the General Assembly (Paolo Budroni)
- Determination of the proper invitation
- Establishment of quorum
- Approval of the agenda
- Report on the consensual agreement
- Approval of the consensual agreement
Election Committee: Raman Ganguly (University of Vienna), Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi (TU Graz), Heimo Rainer (NHM), Chris Schubert (TU Wien)
- New election of the organs and acceptance of the function of:
- Chair of the General Assembly (1st and 2nd Chair)
- Members of the Steering Committee
- Election of the Coordination of the Steering Committee
- Election of the members of the Management/Management Board
- Election of the Chair of the Management Board
- Election of the Coordination of the EOSC Café
- Presentation of the coordinators of the Working Groups
- Election of the spokespersons of the Synergy Team
Other business (Paolo Budroni)
- In the case of motions/applications: vote (to be listed in detail)
- Miscellaneous / interventions from the members
Closing remarks
- Coordinator of the Steering Committee
- Coordinator of the Management
- Chairs of the GA (1 and 2 Chair)